ようやく完成!? LINE スタンプ: I made up a LINE Sticker!
ようやく完成!? PinkyDot Stickers
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Creator: Itami Shigeyuki © 2014 itami.info
Sticker Title: PinkyDot in 2014
PinkyDot is none of dogs, cats and pig. It’s always putting on a pink polcadot tie. Nobody knows where did it come from. But we know it’s a friend of our.
できればHow toページも用意したいと思いますが、審査に通って、発売されてないと、、説得力はありませんね。
Finally, I made up a LINE Sticker! It’s for PinkyDot of my character.
I found some problems while making them.
I want to issue HOW TO’s them if my stickers are passed and selling on LINE MARKET.
I’ll try to make another nicer sticker, Maybe..
Anyway, First of all, To confirm my poor English on my stickers is an important work.